How to Make a Custom Gym Environment Part 1
So you want to make your own gym environment? Let’s set some things up

First, create a python project and make sure you have gym installed and create the following files and directories:
Let's go file by file starting with
My environment is called FooEnv so my file will correspond with that name. Here is what it looks like
from setuptools import setup
keywords='games, environment, agent, rl, ai, gym',
description='Foo Env',
Let’s break this down. The name
parameter is the name of your package/environment. The version
is the current version of the package. keywords
are keywords for people to find your package and description
is your package description. packages
is the name of the directory that you made previously. Mine is called FooEnv and install_requires
is what your package requires to install.
Now let's take a look at FooEnv/
This is where your environment code will go. Let’s set up a template that looks like this:
import logging
import math
import gym
from gym import spaces
from gym.envs.registration import register
import numpy as np
class FooCustomEnv(gym.Env):
def __init__(self):
self.viewer = None
def reset(self):
def step(self):
def render(self):
In the register at the bottom, the id
is what you will call the environment when you call gym.make()
and the entry_point
is the path to this file. Use the directory example at the beginning of this article as reference.
We now have one last file to setup which is
This file is super easy as it only contains 2 lines
import FooEnv.Foo
from FooEnv.Foo import *
The path to the environment file, again, use the example at the top as a reference.
Yay! We are done setting up the environment so let's start coding it! Before we do that let’s test everything to make sure it works. In the environment file
set the reset(self)
function to print something out so it looks like this:
import logging
import math
import gym
from gym import spaces
from gym.envs.registration import register
import numpy as np
class FooCustomEnv(gym.Env):
def __init__(self):
self.viewer = None
def reset(self):
print("Everything is working!")
def step(self):
def render(self):
Create a file in the working directory (mine is called CustomGymEnv
) and call it
This file is not associated with the environment at all, it is just for us to test it. In this file add the following code:
import gym
import FooEnv
env = gym.make("FooEnv-v0")
Open up the terminal and go into the directory you are working in and run the following command: pip install -e .
This will install the
as if it were a package and run the file. You should get the message saying that everything is working. Great! Let’s start making the Environment!
Go into the environment file (mine is
) and start making the environment. I won’t cover how to do this as it is all up to you but I WILL cover basic rendering. First import the rendering module
from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering
Now add this bit of code into the render
if self.viewer is None:
self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(1000, 1000) #Width and Height
To draw on the screen, use the built-in functions, I use this reference all the time for that:
Now add this small bit of code to draw a circle
t = rendering.Transform((100, 100)) #Position
self.viewer.draw_circle(20).add_attr(t) #Add transform for position
t is a transform to set the position and rotations and the rest just draws a circle and adds the transform to it and renders the circle. This is the basic rundown of how environments work and I will cover publishing in a later article. Use OpenAI’s built-in gym environments like CartPole as a reference while making your own. If you have any questions or problems, add a response below. Enjoy!